Iryna Toderiuk is the Director of the Centre for Advanced Training, Retraining, and Improvement of Managers and Specialists.
She was born in 1980 in Sumy.
In 2002, she graduated from Sumy National Agrarian University with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and received the qualification of a veterinarian.
In 2011, she graduated from the Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko with a degree in Higher Education Pedagogy and received a qualification as a teacher of universities and higher education institutions.
In 2018, she graduated from Sumy National Agrarian University with a degree in Public Administration and Management and received a master's degree in Public Administration and Management, Administrative Management, Manager (Manager) of Administrative Activities, Manager-Analyst.
She has been working at the university since 2008:
since 2015 as the Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Counselling;
since 2016 as the Director of the Institute for Advanced Training, Retraining, and Improvement of Managers and Specialists;
since 2019 as the Director of the Centre for Advanced Training, Retraining, and Improvement of Managers and Specialists.
Main activities:
1. Manages and coordinates the work of the Centre for Advanced Training, Retraining, and Improvement of Managers and Specialists.
2. Promotes the quality of the educational process in accordance with the standards of higher education and regulations on the organization of the educational process.
3. Approves, develops and monitors the implementation of professional development programs.
4. Organizes advanced training in accordance with the curricula approved by the Academic Council of the University or the customer.
5. Plans and distributes the pedagogical and/or scientific and pedagogical workload and tasks among the teachers and employees of the Centre, controls their timely and high-quality implementation.
6. Coordinates training in the dual form of education at the University, together with the deans of the faculties.
7. Formulates work plans for the Centre for Advanced Training, Retraining, and Improvement of Management and Specialists and ensures the implementation of targets.