Cooperation between education and business is the key to quality training of personnel for the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy. From July 15 to 16, as part of the implementation of the pilot project for the training of specialists using a dual form of education, the HR team of the agro-industrial holding “MHP” – one of the leaders of the domestic agro-industrial sector, headed by the head of the vocational training department of the Centre for Personnel Development, Olena Azieieva, paid a working visit to our university.

For two days, representatives of the MHP holding saw the capacities of the material and technical base of Sumy National University. They visited the educational and practical laboratory of mechanization of pig farming “HOG SLAT”; Centre for precision agriculture; Innovative virtual reality and robotics module; “ROYAL CANIN” class; Centre for collective use of scientific equipment: “Educational and scientific laboratory of PCR diagnostics”, “Laboratory of ecological agriculture and nature management”; educational-scientific-production laboratory of meat processing technology; innovative “Milk production and processing module”.

In order to review the educational and professional programs and individual study plans of students in accordance with the needs of the employer, the delegation of the agro-industrial holding “MHP” took part in four working meetings with representatives of the teaching staff of the faculties: Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Food Technologies and Faculty of Biology and Technology.

It is pleasant to note the thorough and structured approach, as well as the progressive views of the employer regarding the organization of a dual form of education and practical training of a future highly qualified specialist. It is important that the joint efforts of education and business in the context of dual education are aimed at the high-quality training of a specialist who, in the future, even before completing his studies at the university, will become part of an effective team of enterprise professionals. A serious component in the negotiation process was the initiative of the teachers of SNAU and the feedback of the representatives of the agro-industrial holding regarding the internship on the basis of the enterprise, because a good teacher not only has an impeccable knowledge of theory, but also has excellent practical skills.

Based on the results of working meetings, negotiations and discussions, it was possible to reach some agreements regarding the development of further mutual cooperation in the context of the implementation of a pilot project on dual education.